The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2022 on a 414-5 vote. The Act is referred to as SECURE 2.0 as many provisions build on, or further define, provisions passed in the SECURE Act from 2019. The Senate has pending retirement legislation that mirrors several aspects of the Securing a Strong Retirement Act with many similar provisions. If the Senate version passes, a compromise piece of legislation will likely be prepared and re-introduced to both the House and the Senate.
If passed, the following retirement plan provisions would likely be affected:
- Required Minimum Distribution Rules
- Mandatory employee contributions for newly established plans
- Catch-up contributions only allowed as after-tax Roth contributions
- Increased catch-up contribution amounts for individuals aged 62-64
- Allowing employer contributions to be made as after-tax contributions
- Providing employer matching contributions on an employee’s student loan payments
Multnomah Group will continue to monitor the legislation and provide updates as the legislation progresses. Additional information on the provisions of SECURE 2.0 can be found in Erik Daley’s Fiduciary Focus video and in the legislative update section of Multnomah Groups’ annual regulatory update.
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