Recordkeepers often offer managed account services to participants. This training material walks your committee through what a managed account is, where it fits in their investment menu, how it works, and much more.
Managed accounts are solutions wherein the discretion to manage a portfolio for a participant has been delegated to a third-party, nearly always an automated solution. Managed Accounts, typically, utilize a plan’s individual investment options that constitute the CORE and EXTENDED arrays and can be used as the plan’s Qualified Default Investment Alternative (QDIA). Fiduciary responsibility for selection and monitoring of a managed account service is the same as for other investment options, even though not all participants may utilize the service, so Plan sponsors must properly consider the required monitoring before offering a managed account solution to participants.
In our managed accounts fiduciary training, we cover some of the pros, cons, and recommendations for ongoing monitoring if you are considering managed accounts for your plan.
Explore the full resource and download the training material here.
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