Introducing the New Multnomah Group Mobile App

For those of you who are currently utilizing Multnomah Group’s client portal, we are excited to announce a mobile app version of your portal is now available. Search for “MG Focal Point” in your app store, download, and log on with your client portal credentials. We have even provided handy pictures and links to help get you started to make things even easier.



If you aren’t currently using the client portal, we highly recommend giving it a try. It can add even more depth, tools, and user-friendly interaction to your overall financial wellness. Current portal users? Feel free to get started with the new app. New portal users? Reach out to us at Multnomah Group, and we’ll get you all set up and ready to go.

Multnomah Group is a registered investment adviser, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any information contained herein or on Multnomah Group’s website is provided for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Multnomah Group does not provide legal or tax advice.

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