Welcome Azzurra Cappuccini and Josh Snisky!

We are thrilled to share that Multnomah Group has recently welcomed two new team members, Azzurra Cappuccini and Josh Snisky.

Azzurra Cappuccini is our business systems and vendor services analyst and a member of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. She has many responsibilities, including developing and maintaining the firm’s primary business systems and supporting consultants in serving its retirement plan clients on matters related to recordkeeping vendors. Azzurra holds a BA in Cognitive Science from the University of California, Berkeley.



Josh Snisky is our summer marketing intern at Multnomah Group and a member of the DEI Committee as well. His duties include copywriting, content creation, and website management. Josh is attending Portland State University and pursuing a BS in Business with a concentration in Marketing.



Welcome to the team Azzurra and Josh!

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